Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 1622 - 1622 The core battlefields (1)

Zhao Hai and the others were attracted by the round Guardian’s words. They turned around and looked at the place where they had come out from. They were dumbfounded because in front of them was a huge steel Castle.

This huge steel castle was made of metal, but it was miraculously floating in the air. Behind this castle was a boundary. Through this boundary, one could even see everything outside. There was another castle outside, about the same size as this one. If these two castles were used for living, it would not be a problem for tens of thousands of people to live in each Castle.

The outside of the castle was built in the style of a Castle. The city walls looked like a blooming flower, very beautiful. All kinds of weapons were placed everywhere in the castle, making it look very majestic.

The round guardian deity looked at Zhao Hai and the others and said in a deep voice,”The two castles, one inside, firmly guard that space crack. Meanwhile, they can serve as our base camp so that we can have a rest. The two castles are like two bridgehead fortresses. The space crack in the middle is the bridge. Therefore, the two castles are called iron Bridgestones. The outer iron Bridgestone is not bad; however, the one inside the space crack is completely man-made. You’ve already seen the size of the space crack. It was only possible for two people to move side by side. Some large equipment and many materials could not be transported in at all. Later on, people began to use the space to prepare in batches, folding all kinds of equipment and transporting them in. All kinds of materials were also transported in little by little. It took a total of nearly ten years to build this Castle. Ever since this castle was built, we, the people of the array world, have a base camp. We can compete with the people of the other realms.”

Zhao Hai and the others nodded. They had never thought that the metal Hall they had seen before would be in such a Castle.

The round guardian deity looked at them and said in a deep voice,”Of course, the iron bridgehead has already become a large rear area. Only some people who take turns to rest or come here to exchange for rewards could come here. Usually, people would live in some castles or bases in the frontline first. You could also come here to rest in the future. However, you will need contribution points to take a rest here. Besides some war zones and Exchange lobby, there are many entertainment areas and rest areas for people to have fun. However, those places also require contribution points.”

Zhao Hai and the others nodded. At the same time, they also had a deeper understanding of the situation in the six realm battlefield. It seemed that the array world had really established itself in the six realm battlefield. Otherwise, the Iron Bridge fortress would not be so peaceful.

The round Guardian took a look at the iron bridgehead, took a deep breath, and said,”Let’s go. Let’s go to our diamond Battalion.” Zhao Hai and the others responded and followed the round guardian deity.

As he flew, Zhao Hai looked at the surrounding scenery. At the same time, he released the mercury needle. Because the space had a shielding function, even the person who made the sub-space of the six world battlefield couldn’t detect the existence of the space. Zhao Hai could still use the space like in the past and not be discovered.

Furthermore, Zhao Hai did not believe that the person who created the six realm battlefield would keep an eye on him. It was just like how a person could not notice every single hair on their body.

However, this discovery increased Zhao Hai’s sense of crisis, making him want to improve his strength as soon as possible. However, after entering the six realm battlefield, Zhao Hai immediately gained a benefit, and that was that the concentration of spiritual Qi in the space had once again upgraded. The concentration of spiritual Qi in the six realm battlefield was much stronger than in the cultivation world, almost as strong as a medium-grade spiritual vein. Thus, the concentration of spiritual Qi in Zhao Hai’s space had also upgraded.

Although the increase in the concentration of spiritual Qi in the space made Zhao Hai very happy, it also made him realize the gap between him and the person who opened up the six-realm battlefield in the sub-space. His space was very magical, but the other party was able to open up a place like the six-realm battlefield, which meant that he was definitely stronger. He had to be very careful.

Everyone was flying very quickly. It was obvious that the round Guardian was not afraid of any danger nearby. Zhao Hai and the rest were not worried either. After flying for a few hours, Zhao Hai finally noticed a small castle in front of them.

The small castle was not made of metal, but an ordinary stone castle. However, there were all kinds of magic cannons on the castle, which seemed to have good defensive capabilities. There were also many magic arrays engraved on the castle, which increased the castle’s defensive capabilities.

However, the round diamond didn’t stop there. Instead, it flew directly over the castle. Zhao Hai took a look at the castle and found that there were people guarding it.

“Captain, which team does this Castle belong to?” Zhao Hai asked the round Guardian in confusion.

The round Guardian looked at the castle and said, ” &Quot; that team isn’t either. This is a relay Castle. It’s mainly for people to rest in the castle. We have a power recorder with us to identify ourselves. If anyone without a power recorder enters the castle’s range, they’ll be attacked. &Quot;

Zhao Hai nodded. At the same time, he gained a deeper understanding of the space. The six realm battlefield was really huge. Their current speed was not slow, but after flying for a few hours, they had only come across a relay-like Castle. This meant that they were still very far from the real front line. How big was the six realm battlefield? Zhao Hai was really not confident anymore.

They flew for a few more hours and rested for two hours in a courier station Castle. Then, they set off again. They flew for three days in a row before they finally arrived at the front line.

Only when they arrived at the front line did Zhao Hai feel the tension. In the past three days, they had flown across a large part of the forest. The rest were just some hilly areas. As long as there was a small hill, there would be a Castle. The castle was not only a relay station, but also a radar station. The main reason was to prevent people from the other worlds from running to the hinterlands of the array world’s control area to cause trouble.

The situation at the front line was even more tense. The front line was a defensive position formed by a large mountain range. This mountain range was named array lock mountain by the people of the machine array world. Small castles could be seen on the entire mountain range. At the same time, radar stations were built on each mountain peak of the mountain range. As long as someone entered this mountain range without a skill recorder, they would immediately be discovered, just like flying in from the sky.

The diamond Battalion, where the round diamond was located, was one of the many small castles on this mountain range. There were only 50 of them, and they were stationed in one small castle. The castle was safe within a hundred miles of it. As long as an enemy appeared within this hundred miles, they had to be the first to arrive.

The small castle of the diamond Battalion was not very big. It was also a castle-like Castle. There were all kinds of magic cannons on the castle. Besides being powerful, round diamond and the others were also very adept at operating the magic cannons.

The round Guardian let Zhao Hai and the others settle down. He gathered everyone and introduced Zhao Hai to them. To be honest, the living environment in the castle was really good. Although there were only 50 people in the castle, there were nearly 1000 robots serving them. Moreover, the castle was not small when it was built. It could only accommodate 500 people at most. Now, there were only 50 people. There were many rooms in the castle, and the space was very large and spacious.

There were dining rooms, entertainment rooms, and all kinds of household appliances in each room. Computers and other supplies were also available. It did not look like they were on the front line at all.

Zhao Hai had not expected the environment here to be so good. However, the circular Vajra had also said that once they passed the array lock mountain, they would no longer be in the territory of the machine array realm. That place did not belong to any other realm. It could be said that once they left the array lock mountain, it would be a land of chaos, a true battlefield.

After the array lock mountain, there was a Hill, and behind it was a plain forest area. This area had rivers, fertile land, and numerous forests. Moreover, this area was millions of square kilometers in size, which was extremely huge.

However, this region did not belong to any Jie. Anyone from any Jie could go there to mine, pick herbs, and even kill people for treasures. You could do whatever you wanted, and no one would care.

This region was the core of the six realm battlefield, the real six realm battlefield. The main task of the round Guardian and the others was not to defend the castle, but to enter the core battlefield from time to time to pick medicinal herbs and kill people.

The six realm battlefield was really too big. The first realm controlled a region, but there was a strange phenomenon. In the region controlled by each of the six realms, although there were many good things, there were not many varieties. Some things could only grow in the regions of the other realms or could only be mined. Between the six realms, there were very strong defense lines built outside their respective regions. The six realms were wary of each other, and no one dared to easily attack the other realm.

The importance of the core battlefield of the six realms battlefield was reflected here. In addition to the specialties of each realm, only the core battlefield had all the items produced in the territory of the six realms. This was also the reason why the core battlefield had not been occupied by any realm.

This was because the core battlefield had all the specialties of the six realms, and the output was rich enough for 10 people. Therefore, all the six realms wanted to get this territory for themselves. However, after several wars, they found that no one could get this territory. In the end, the people of the six realms reached a tacit understanding that the core battlefield was jointly owned by the six realms. Everyone could go there to mine, but everything depended on their own abilities. They deserved it, so the core battlefield became a giant meat grinder. Every year, countless deaths and injuries occurred in the core battlefield, but no one was willing to give up. There were constant fights in the core battlefield.

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