Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 120 Transaction

Yet again, Xzavier shocked the governor with his answer.

"With all due respect Governor, I am not interested in a government position…"

\'WHAT?!!!!\' This what thundered and echoed in Quaid\'s mind as he tried his possible best to keep his face free of any hints that remotely suggested his shock. Without even trying too, Xzavier had escaped his trap. Had he seen through it all? He wondered.

Completely oblivious of the raging surprise in the governor\'s head, Xzavier continued to elucidate his request;

"If you would be so kind, I would actually prefer if you would help me secure that fiefdom as soon as possible. I would pick it over the government position any day. I apologize if I in any way appear ungrateful or impudent."

Of course Xzavier had his own ulterior motive for choosing a fiefdom over the steady wages, comfort and benefits that would be supplied by a permanent position in the government. But, as it stood, Xzavier needed that fiefdom so he could enact some modern civilized laws. This way, he could have the authority and domain to root out some unethical things and do things differently.

Naturally, he couldn\'t inform the governor of his intentions. The best he could hope for was an ordinary life right now. For him, that was more than enough.

Quaid who had been struggling to recover from his surprise lifted up both hands in the air to refute Xzavier\'s apology;

"No, no, there\'s no need to apologize at all. Don\'t forget that you\'re a Baron now, so it is entirely within your scope of choices after all."

Quaid was still acting the part of a gracious godfather, but in fact, he was still very much surprised that Xzavier had picked fiefdom over a government job. As he was still very much a young man, Quaid had stipulated in his calculations that Xzavier would chose a position in the government, where he could grow in wealth, connections, and at the same time, see some action.

Quaid wasn\'t wrong very often when it came to knowing what men wanted. With the whole of his heart, he had expected Xzavier to think deeply on the options available to him and end up on the path that Quaid was gently steering him to which was- service. After all, he had so cleverly shrouded the benefit of fiefdom behind a wall of uncertainty, and presented the other option of public service on a silver platter.

So, still contemplating his next course of action now that Xzavier had evaded his trap, he stalled with a few pointless sentences;

"I have heard you out. Not to worry, I will do my best to help expedite the process."

Then, in a further attempt to dissuade Xzavier further, he added;

"However, I must tell you the honest truth though, your wish is quite the case…"

Xzavier didn\'t voice it out loud, but he shot Quaid a look that said; \'But you\'re the governor.\'

"Yes, I know, but there is a whole other cascade of factors that you must consider…"

Taking a deep breath, Quaid brought up the issue that had been his reserve ammunition;

"Now, I probably don\'t have to tell you this, but as a smart man, I believe you already know this; along the road, you may encounter some opposition from some adversaries. One of such is Eadweard whom you had a run in with not too long ago."

Xzavier\'s expression had shifted from a look of indifference, to one of irritation.

"As you know, Eadweard is quite the relentless one. And you offended him. So, best believe that he will not give you an easy time. In fact, he will probably champion others by riding on the fact that you are simply a stranger who had one lucky strike. Therefore, you don\'t deserve to be one of them…"

Before Xzavier might be tempted to think that this was his own thought as well, he quickly added;

"While we both know that this isn\'t true, I hope you can at least recognize the fact that he is a very real threat."

Quaid was doing it again. Of course everyone knew that Eadweard had his eye set on Xzavier. It wasn\'t anything knew. In fact this particular piece of gossip had made its rounds around town. And yet, Eadweard was actively fanning the flames of a smoldering flame, trying to blow it out of proportion and make it seem like a forest fire.

"…so, that was why I made the move to bestow upon you the title of Baron. It was the only way I could protect you from the wrath of the Anjou boy…"

Once again, he had roped Xzavier in with the Eadweard issue, and swooped in as the savior who did his best to protect Xzavier.

"It was the only way to save your life Xzavier. The price of killing a Baron is extremely high. No one would dare take that risk. Of course this doesn\'t completely rule out the Eadweard threat. If anything, you should be more careful now, because he will try to very subtle about getting to you."

Quaid was a master at this game. His incessant vacillation between problem and solution made him appear to be in charge, and in the know. Thoroughly enjoying the role he was playing, he continued down that path with hidden gladness.

In a somber tone and with intense eyes, he continued;

"I have to advise you Xzavier, in order to further consolidate your position as Baron, you should constantly educate yourself on the ways and tradition of the town. I myself will always be available to help you on this journey"

With such a heart warming assurance as a closing remark, Quaid relapsed into a bout of silence, wordlessly telling Xzavier that the floor was now his. After a very short moment of deliberation, Xzavier\'s mind handpicked all that he needed from the governor\'s speech. No matter what Quaid said, he still refused to see the playboy prince as a problem. But he didn\'t tell Quaid, because so far, he had been his sole benefactor.

"Thank you for your counsel and support governor. You are too kind. I deeply appreciate your hospitality and I am humbled by it…"

​ And then, the time came for Xzavier to do the needful. It was the silent rule that lingered in all human dealings, it was time to obey the law of transaction. And fortunately, Xzavier had enough social and emotional intelligence to know that he had to reciprocate the kindness so far.

"So, if there is anything whatsoever that I can do for you, please, don\'t hesitate to ask me."

When Xzavier said this, Quaid\'s heart fluttered like a butterfly and his eyes glistened greedily. As always, he kept his excitement hidden behind a serious face. Xzavier had played the game, saving Quaid from all the maneuvering.

So, deliberately putting on a mask of worry, he stood up wearily, and began to pace up and down with his hands folded behind his back.

"You see, I am glad that you asked Xzavier, really glad. But there is indeed something you can help me with, that is of course, if you chose to…"

Xzavier was under no impression that this was an in-the-moment request. Whatever this request was going to be, it was very likely that it had been in the oven for quite some time now. So, very carefully, in order not to yoke himself to an impossible task by reason of his own binding words, he answered;

"As long as it is within my power and within the law, I will do it for you governor."

"Wonderful! Oh don\'t worry, I would never ask you to do anything illegal or anything of the sort."

Xzavier nodded his approval and Quaid continued his pacing as he narrated his troubles.

"Actually, this problem is a personal one. It is about my daughter Earlene…"

Xzavier held his breath. Here we go.

"She is as willful and as stubborn as a wild untamed horse. She had a good heart, and I have no doubt that her mind is in the right place. But…"

He didn\'t finish his sentence. Xzavier suspected it was because he didn\'t want to confess anything negative about his own child.

"… and then, there is Cadence. My son is quite different you know. Unlike his sister, he is thoughtful, kind, intentional about his life\'s goals, and very hardworking."

It was difficult not to hear the pride of a parent in the governor\'s voice as he spoke of his son. It almost eclipsed the worry in his voice when he spoke of Earlene.

"But alas, while Cadence has put in the required effort and time, fate has not been kind to him in the area of talent."

For a moment, like a sneak peek through a translucent curtain, Xzavier was able to see a trace of humanity in the governor\'s otherwise impenetrable façade. He stopped his pacing and looked straight at Xzavier as he presented his request.

"This brings me to my request Xzavier. It is my hope that you would take on the role of their private tutor..."

Xzavier said nothing, neither did his face betray anything. He simply looked on as Quaid presented his request.

"As you know, I work a lot, and I have had very little time for anything or anyone else outside of work. So, I fear that the price of my negligence may have been too steep."

He paused, and with his back turned on Xzavier, and his arms locked at his back, he spoke again,

"This is my personal request Xzavier, it is my hope that your firm handed discipline will rub off on Earlene to curtail her growing wings. And as for Cadence, I know that under your guidance, and with you as a role model, he will flourish and become the man I know he can be."

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