Military System In Isekai Of Magic

Chapter 140 Weapons

Xzavier didn\'t want to put this off till he got back. So, he set off to look for him at city hall. About an hour later, Xzavier found himself knocking at the door of the governor after Quaid\'s secretary had announced him.

"Yes, come in Xzavier!"

Xzavier mechanically opened the door to Quaid\'s office, and entered comfidently. Xzavier\'s stride was usually graced with purposeful confidence, but this morning, he seemed to have an extra spring in his step. It wasn\'t like it was his intention, but after the night he had just had, his subconscious couldn\'t help but demonstrate part of what his inner state felt like.

From across the end of the office, Quaid picked up on Xzavier\'s new vibe. The shrewd governor observed this slight change immediately his guest entered the door. Immediately, a mischievous grin stretched out the edges of his mouth into a twisted smile. It was the smile that males gave other males after a conquest. It was the ultimate manly look. Across eras, civilizations and cultures, it was a look that would be instantly recognized by any male.

Unable to put his curiosity in check, Quaid boomed with a glint in his eyes;

"Morning Xzavier! I trust you had an eventful night?!"

Xzavier recognized the look instantly, as well as the double meaning behind Quaid\'s question. Of course he wasn\'t the type that would kiss and tell. He knew that the governor knew this about him, but Quaid just couldn\'t help but be a man in that moment. It was understandable. Adalia wasn\'t just any beauty. She was different, in sight and in spirit. Quaid knew this more than anyone. He also knew that she had been a virgin. The gift he had so freely handed to Xzavier was a costly one indeed. The least Xzavier could do was at least give him a clue of how it had all gone down.

Xzavier didn\'t give him the satisfaction he was thirsting for. Instead, he answered curtly;

"I had a great night governor. Thank you for your kindness."

A look of disappointment appeared for a brief moment at the edges of Quaid\'s eyes. A man of few words eh? Quaid silently thought to himself. He knew that Xzavier wasn\'t going to say much. But he had chosen to hold out, thinking that he might at least honor the bro code and give him a hint. Even if it was just a tiny clue. After all, it hadn\'t been just any other regular beauty, it was Adalia!

Quaid chuckled to himself and dismissed the thought.

"That\'s very good Xzavier. Very good indeed. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company Baron?" Quaid sweetly inserted the title in there to try to butter up Xzavier.

"It\'s still pretty early, one would have thought you\'d take some time off to rest this morning."

It was typical of Quaid. Conversations with him were usually wry. He loved to speak in the shadows with double meanings and ambiguous interpretations. But Xzavier already knew this by now. He ignored the passive jab there and played the part of the professional.

"Sorry to bother you governor, but I have a request I\'d like to run by you."

Quaid didn\'t want to seem to eager about it, but he was glad that Xzavier was now coming to him with requests. This was exactly where he wanted him- to put him in a place where he could be indebted to him.

"Don\'t be silly. You\'re not just my guest anymore, you\'re now a Baron. Feel free to ask whatever it is you want..."

"I want Adalia freed from the shackles of slavery. I want her reinstated as a regular citizen with her full rights."

Xzavier didn\'t hesitate. He already had a sense that Quaid wanted something from him, therefore he would be eager to do anything. It was always so transactional with politicians. They only kept those around whom they needed something from. Having come this far, Xzavier reckoned that Quaid was definitely after something.

Quaid didn\'t respond for a while. He took some time to assess the nature of Xzavier\'s request, and how he could spin it to work for him. Actually, for someone like Quaid who was practically the law in these parts, freeing a slave was within his rights and authority. Because in this isekai, a slave was basically the private property of her master. They didn\'t have the rights of normal citizens. They couldn\'t own assets or property seeing that they themselves were properties of their masters. They weren\'t allowed to vote or take titles. They were virtually human livestock in the sight of their masters.

But there was a small window of opportunity for them to gain their freedom- a gubernatorial pardon. As governor, only Quaid had the power to set any slave free if he wanted to, it could all be done in a day, or even less. Seeing that he was the only one in the whole city who could do this for Xzavier, Quaid knew that this was a very rare opportunity for him to get what he wanted. He wasn\'t going to waste it.

After careful consideration, Quaid finally gave his answer;

"You have asked a complicated thing Xzavier..."


"It\'s not like it\'s impossible or anything like that, but the process itself is a long and tedious one. And of course, there is a price to pay for such a heavy favor..."

\'Ah, there it is.\' Xzavier thought to himself. The \'price.\' Xzavier had been dreading this for a while now. He could perceive the transactional tone lurking in Quaid\'s tone. He wasn\'t even trying to be subtle about it. The governor had overtly made it clear that he wanted something in exchange for this. Xzavier knew that whatever it was, it definitely wasn\'t going to be good. Most likely, it would be a selfish ask.

Xzavier wasn\'t so thrilled about this. This was particularly one of the main reason he usually avoided politicians. But circumstances beyond his control had brought him to deal with this one. This case was different, It was for Adalia. So, with even attempting to hide his reluctance, Xzavier asked the question that Quaid wanted to hear;

"What can I do for you governor?"

Quaid forced back his smile from forming. It was so typical of Xzavier to be so blunt. He lacked the subtlety that was needed to thread these waters.

"You don\'t have to put it like that Xzavier. You\'re my guest aren\'t you? I\'d prefer if you think of it as a favor to a gracious host..."

A two-syllable word echoed in Xzavier\'s mind; BOLLOCKS.

Instead of coming at Xzavier directly with his request, Quaid started to lay it all out but by bit.

"You see, as a political figure and the entity at the helm of administration, performing my duty is no small task. Resources are meager, and there is much to be done. Take for example, the resources alone to raise a single high-level mage is astronomical!"

Xzavier listened, but he just couldn\'t see where Quaid was going with this.

"This is only one of the countless problems my dear Xzavier. You might not know this, but I am very eager to expand Victoria City\'s territory. But the military power of the neighboring state isn\'t much weaker than mine..."

Quaid\'s incessant rambling started to get to Xzavier. More than five minutes had passed and Xzavier still had no idea what Quaid wanted in exchange for Adalia\'s freedom. As he watched the governor shamelessly jumped from one pointless topic to the other, Xzavier wondered how a grown man could enjoy talking so much. Quaid really did seem to enjoy hearing the sound of his own voice.

As a soldier, his stance reflected his state of mind- poised, focused and always ready for action.

But as Quaid droned on and on, Xzavier began to shift his weight from one feet to the other- this was a clear sign of impatience. He had hoped Quaid would pick up on his rising exasperation, but he didn\'t, he was way too wrapped up in his own monologue to notice anything. Xzavier seethed under his breath as Quaid yapped away mindlessly.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Xzavier decided to cut the long story short. Naturally, his army trained mind and personal discipline wouldn\'t allow him interrupt a superior. But then again, it was hellishly boring having to endure this baseless, pointless tall-tales. He unabashedly interrupted the governor, cutting him off completely.

"No offence Mr. Governor, but I still have no clue what you want exactly. Let me know, so as to enable me assess if it can be done…"

Xzavier had no regrets. If he hadn\'t done that, it was very likely that the governor would have kept going for the next twenty four hours.

Quaid on the other hand didn\'t seem as offended as Xzavier thought he would have been. In fact, he seemed a tad bit relieved.

"Very well then," He said as he faced Xzavier. "I will get right to it."

Xzavier nodded affirmatively as the governor went on.

"Of my own accord, I have been able to discern that you have some sort of lethal weapons..,"

Xzavier grimaced tightly.

"…now while I am not completely certain of the nature of these weapons, I know one thing for sure, they can be used by ordinary people with no mana…"

He exhaled deeply as he finally stated his requirements from Xzavier;

"…I need those weapons Xzavier. I need them desperately. I do not need not tell you what kind of advantage this would give me, and Victoria City at large. It would be a tremendous boost to my military strength, and help further my plans down the road."

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