Perfect Superstar

Chapter 132

Please keep me in that time period,

If there comes a time, when I leavequietly,

Please bury me in this spring!

In Spring~"

When Qin Hanyang, the lead singer ofthe Wandering band, finished singing "In Spring", the whole audiencewas boiling!

This rock and roll piece wasoriginally created by Lu Chen. It will become a classic through the wanderingband and Qin Hanyang’s interpretation. it is spreading in the streets, in thebar, in the square, in the underground passage... being covered by a lot ofsingers.

But no matter how wonderful thecover is, it can’t match the charm of the original song.

Tonight, there are a large number ofguests gathered in Forget Worries Bar. in addition to the regular customers,there are many colleagues from other bars. Everyone has rushed over aftergetting the news.

They don’t care if it affects theirwork or delays making money.

Like a pilgrimage!

The people who like this song mostand are most easily moved by it are not the ordinary people who like pop music,but the singers who wander around and mix up at the bottom.

Because what "In Spring"sings are their experiences, their voices and desires!

Some people even think that it’stheir great fortune to be able to listen and sing this song.

So tonight, in the Forget WorriesBar, seeing the Wandering band live and listening to Qin Hanyang singpersonally, everyone was thrilled that they wished they could also be on thestage.

They have nowhere to vent theirfeelings and they all expressed them through applause and cheers!

Like surging waves!

After a few minutes, the bar finallycalmed down.

"Thank you!"

Qin Hanyang said into themicrophone, "Thank you to the many friends for coming over this eveningand listen to us sing."

"First of all, I would like tothank Brother Jianhao, our boss, Chen Jianhao, for his consistent support to meand the Wandering band. Without him, there would be no Wandering band!"

He raised his fist toward ChenJianhao, who was leaning against the bar, and slammed it on his chest.

Qin Hanyang is expressing hisrespect.

Chen Jianhao raised his glass inreturn.

Applause rang out again, warm andsincere.

Chen Jianhao traded 5% of his sharesin Forget Worries Bar for the copyright of "In Spring" and gave it tothe Wandering band as a farewell gift. It has already become a legendary storyin Houhai.

Now mention his name. Who doesn’tgive a thumbs up and praises him?

Now, a lot of singers want to breaktheir heads and squeeze into Forget Worries Bar. Even as a singer! (TN: Theyare doing everything they could to work in the bar)

To be able to follow such a boss, itwould be one’s great fortune.

Qin Hanyang continued, "Then Iwould like to thank our musical talent Lu Chen for writing a good song for the Wanderingband. A really good song!"

He also made a fist and saluted Lu Chen,who was standing on the edge of the stage.

Lu Chen was speechless and also madea fist in return.

The applause, which had not yet subsided,became more and more intense, setting off a new storm!

Lu Chen; who doesn’t know howoutstanding his talent is. Every original work is so excellent.

It was he who made the wanderingband, and now he himself has gone on the bright avenue of stars.

"Now let’s welcome Lu Chen tosing for us!"

Qin Hanyang’s voice just fell, andthe atmosphere at the scene instantly reached the climax, and the applause andcheers kept coming.

Lu Chen walked onto the stage with asmile on his face.

And at this very moment. Two waiterspushed out the piano in the corner of the stage.

Everyone was stunned at the sight.

Is Lu Chen going to play the piano?

Whether new or old customer, theyhave never seen Lu Chen play the piano.

Only listen to Lu Chen say:"Today is a very special day..."

"Like Brother Hanyang, I wouldlike to first thank Brother Jianhao, our boss. Thank him for taking me in atthe most difficult time of my life, and for giving me a job that can meet myneeds of food and clothing. Thank you!"

He bowed deeply to Chen Jianhao.

Chen Jianhao’s glass of wine shook,he did not expect Lu Chen to give himself such a move.

The old man is a bit overwhelmed.

Lu Chen continued: "I wouldlike to thank you again, the regular customers who came to the bar tonight. Itis your support that keeps me going and gives me the courage to work hard, Thankyou!"

He bowed to the guests again.

Everyone still applauded. Althoughthe applause is no longer so fierce, it is incomparably sincere.

Several sentimental female guestseven got red eyes.

Because they know that it was noteasy for Lu Chen to have today. Many people are aware of his diligence.

Lu Chen straightened up again andsaid, "Therefore, I would like to present a song, an original new song toBrother Jianhao, and also to all the friends here. May the Forget Worries Bar alwaysbe the harbor of our hearts."

"The name of this song is Daylily,which was completed by me, Brother Hanyang and the Wandering band!" (TN: 忘忧草 is translated asDaylily, which is also translated as forget worries grass. This is also thename of the bar.)

People immediately got excited. Noone expected Lu Chen to sing a new song, and he was working with the Wanderingband.


Lu Chen sat down in front of thepiano that had just been set up. He said into the microphone, "I learnedthe piano to please girls. I didn’t think I would be performing to everyone, sodon’t laugh if I don’t play well."

Everyone laughed.

The next moment, the soft pianoprelude sounded, and it instantly made the scene quiet down.

Lu Chen’s song immediately floatedinto everyone’s ears.

"Grant us, the fragile beings,knowledge of cruelty,

So as to be strong in facing life’sadversities.

Loved ones, whom we were unwillingto part with,

Are often fated to meet but not tobe.

Who has whom taken seriously,

Who worries for whom,

Who will whom be the only one for.

The naïve soul, that has been sohurt by the hardship of life,

No longer acknowledges the existenceof any god.

For the beautiful life andkind-hearted people,

Heartache, sorrows and troubles,

Are just too insignificant,

If we were to meet one day, amidstour hustle and bustle,

Shall we smile in reciprocity andremain as acquaintances.


To be fair, Lu Chen’s piano level isvery ordinary that those who have passed the amateur level 4 or 5 can easilybeat him, which is completely incomparable with his guitar finger playing level.

But the song did not require anycomplex piano playing skills. Lu Chen played very carefully and did not play anywrong notes. Even though he only touched the piano again a few days ago, hestill played the rhythm and melody correctly.

That’s enough, because what really touchespeople is the song itself, the emotion he integrates into the song.

This is a warm and affectionatework. The whole song begins with the cruel and sad situation that wasoriginally constructed. In the end, it constructs a "poetic" optimisticsituation of life - like the living situation of a Daylily, thus completing theprocess from simple to complex and then to simple.


Day Lilies, it is best to forget,

In our dreams, will we stillremember.

Faraway, in a hidden corner of thisworld.

On some island,

On a certain day in time.

A grass by the green river bank.

Wait quietly for the world to growold!


After Lu Chen sang the first time,Qin Hanyang and the wandering band followed the chorus: "Grant us, thefragile beings, knowledge of cruelty, so as to be strong in facing life’sadversities. Loved ones, whom we were unwilling to part with, are often fated to meetbut not to be!"

Their voices were deep and powerful.It pushes the artistic conception of the song to a new height.

Then Lu Chen continued: "Whohas whom taken seriously, who worries for whom, who will whom be the only onefor..."

All the people present listenedattentively. They smiled and they were moved as If they understand something.

Life is impermanent and time iscruel, but we still have music to comfort ourselves!

The whole bar was enveloped in avery special atmosphere.

Until Lu Chen finished singing, noone spoke for a long time.

Chen Jianhao was the first toapplaud.

Everyone seemed to have waken upfrom a dream, followed by claps of their palms. There were no cheers andwhistles, only neat applause.

"Thank you!"

Lu Chen stood up and thankedeveryone.

He picked up the microphone on thepiano and said, "This "Daylily", I will transfer the copyright to our barforever and free of charge. It’s a special gift to Brother Jianhaotonight."

The applause grew louder and louder.

Lu Chen raised his hand and motionedeveryone to be quiet first. He continued, "I think you must be verysurprised, don’t you? Then listen to the next song and you will know!"

After re-inserting the microphone,Lu Chen sat down again.

The lights in the bar went out in aninstant!

Before everyone could exclaimed, thepiano played again.

In the exclamation, there was a cryof surprise.

The next moment, an orangecandlelight dispelled the darkness, as Sister Na came out from the backstagepushing a cart.

On the frame was a hugemulti-layered cake with a colored candle on it!

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthdayto you..."

No one knew who started it, but everyonesang this happy birthday song in chorus with Lu Chen’s piano accompaniment.

The cart was pushed in front of ChenJianhao.

Sister Na smiled and said,"Happy birthday, Jianhao!"

Her smile, illuminated bycandlelight, looked beautiful and touching - a beauty that had nothing to dowith appearance.

Today is Chen Jianhao’s 40thbirthday.

Chen Jianhao was completely stunned.

He finally understood why Lu Chenand the Wandering band would come over at night, and why the old customers actedmysterious as if they were hiding something.

It turned out that they had alreadycolluded.

Today is Chen Jianhao’s 40thbirthday. He has forgotten it!

But someone remembered.

He stared at Sister Na, who wasstanding in front of him, and said with great difficulty, "Thank you,Nana."

Except for Sister Na, there’s no oneelse.

With tears in her eyes, Sister Nasmiled and said, "Make a wish and blow out the candles. Everyone is waiting!"

Chen Jianhao nodded. He closed hiseyes and made a silent wish. Then took a long breath and blew out all thecandles!

In the past, Chen Jianhao thought itwas childish.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the lights in the bar lit up.

Along with the huge cheers, a colorspray was twisted open, countless colorful stripes were hit into the air, andthey immediately fluttered down, adding countless festive atmosphere to thescene.

Cheerful music followed, turning theForget Worries Bar into a sea of joy.

No sleep tonight!


TN: The song: Here.

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